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   So you're wondering who I am?? Well I'll tell you! I am a man filled with the Holly Spirit! I am a child of God! I am bought with a price which Jesus paid on the cross of Calvary. At the age of 7 after a Sunday evening service about Hell I got really scared of spending eternity in Hell that I went and told my parents I wanted to get saved. I asked Jesus into my heart, and that was that. as time passed on I grew and we moved to Japan and then at 16 I got real convicted about my life. I wasn't serving God and I wasn't going down the right road at all. Satan started to really work on me. And I began to doubt my salvation. I knew that once saved always saved and that I had got savedImage001.jpg (56796 bytes) at seven, but it wasn't real clear in my mind. so Satan used that to make me doubt. I became real convicted and I knew I had to take care of it. So one Sunday after the service I went to my dad and told him I wanted to get saved. and On December 14 1997 I made Jesus the Lord of my life. It was more than just buying fire insurance. I knew what I had done and I knew that I wanted God to be center of my life. Since then I've grown more and more. And God is really blessing in my life. He is bringing everything together and it's really exciting to watch and be a part of God's plan!!

    My Hobbies include of course Computers, and Music. I enjoy working on my web-site, playing with Linux, and learning all I can about computers and how they work. I like to play my guitar and sing with friends. I plan on attending a college in Pensilvaina in Sep 2000; I'll be majoring in Computer Science with a possible minor in music.

    If you want to have true peace and happiness in your life then don't wait give God the reigns! And hang on for the adventure!! God made everything He knows how it works so let Him worry about the details of life, and He will bless you.





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Last updated - Tuesday, April 25, 2000 00:23:04 -0400