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This Personal Web Communication Center is provided to every ICQ user as part of the ICQ Standard Suite received upon registration. The page address is http://wwp.icq.com/YOUR_ICQ#
Personal ICQ Communication Center
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Contacting Me
My IrCQ Chat
My Web Pager
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Of Ronnie Hudson

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Communication Center Owner:
Activate your web status indicator, Add/Update your whitepages details

Please note: If a user's IP address is hidden or the user is in
Invisible mode then the user will appear as offline.

 Hey go to my website!
Communication Center Owner:
You can use this area as an Online Answering Machine by filling the About field in your ICQ details. If you are using a net-phone, you can also type the name of your net-phone software.
In order to alter your details and the above message, see these instructions.

  of Ronnie Hudson


Download and install this Chat Room on your homepage ? IrCQ-Net Home
Keep this page open (and minimized) and you'll hear when someone visits this Chat Room!

There are four ways to contact me through the ICQ network. The following are my free ICQ contact addresses.

If you have ICQ...
Contact me using my ICQ#:
First Name: Ronnie
Last Name: Hudson
ICQ#: 23170582

If you don't have ICQ...
You can contact me through my EmailExpress address or my Web-Pager:
E-Mail: ronniejr@cyberdude.com
EmailExpress: 23170582@pager.icq.com
Handle/Nickname: The Joker!
Homepage: Http://www.members.tripod.com/MHOA
ICQ Communication Center Address: http://wwp.icq.com/23170582

If my ICQ Homepage is activated...
You can contact me through my:
Personal ICQ Homepage Address: http://members.icq.com/23170582
If my ICQ Homepage is not activated you will be redirected to this page and can contact me from here.

Communication Center Owner: Learn to activate your ICQ Homepage

My ICQ Web-Page Address is: http://wwp.icq.com/23170582

Ronnie Hudson's Personal World-Wide-Pager
You can send me a message directly from this page. Fill in the following form and click the Send Message button at the end of it.
Your Details:
It is strongly recommended to enter your e-mail address so a reply can be sent to you.

Your Message:
Note: only the first 450 characters of the message will be transmitted

Terms of Service
The World-Wide Pager and the EmailExpress are for personal use only. Mass paging, mailing and spamming are strictly prohibited and infringe the Terms of Service.


Your message will be delivered to the user immediately, appearing on his/her screen. If he/she is not logged on, he/she will receive this message as soon as he/she connects to the net.

Please note: Your message is stamped with your IP address and the time of sending.

My Homepage address is: Http://www.members.tripod.com/MHOA

Find other users' homepages in the ICQ Homepages Gallery

If you have ICQ and my status is online you can chat me and message me right now, right from here without adding me to your contact list.

Add Me Chat Me ICQ Me
To Contact List Using ICQ By ICQ My Status
How to use it:
If you have a running ICQ program you can hit the Add Me, Chat Me or ICQ Me buttons and communicate with me by ICQ

Netscape Users:
If you are prompted to Save File or Pick App select Pick App and browse to your ICQ.exe file location (usually C:\Program Files\ICQ\ICQ.exe)

Internet Explorer Users:
If you are prompted to Save As or Open select Open
Learn more about the web to client communication

My EmailExpress Address is: 23170582@pager.icq.com

Send me an Email to this address: ronniejr@cyberdude.com
You can send me an e-mail message right from here by clicking on the above link.

Note: If the user chose not to post his/her email address in the personal details or the ICQ Whitepages directory, the email will not show above.

Send me an EmailExpress to this address: 23170582@pager.icq.com
You can send me a short message (up to 450 characters) directly to my screen. If I'm online, the message will appear on my screen immediately. If I'm offline, the message will appear on my screen as soon as I connect to the internet.

Send me an Email and notify me by ICQ
You can send me an e-mail message and notify me by ICQ. In this way I will get your message using my regular e-mail client and in addition I will get the first 450 characters of your message as an ICQ EmailExpress message.
You can click the button to send me an e-mail and notify me by ICQ or you can do so from your ICQ client: Right-click on my nickname in your contact list, select Email then click the Send Email + Notify by ICQ

Communication Center Owner: Learn more about the ICQ Email Integration features

[Important Notice of Terms of Service]
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This site was designed By Ronnie Jr.
© Copyright 2000 Ronnie Hudson All rights reserved!
Last updated - Monday, April 24, 2000 22:34:50 -0400