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Click on the small images to see the full size ones.

 Here's some pictures of me and my room, Guitars. . .etc

baby.jpg (12585 bytes)

joysteve.jpg (30154 bytes)
My sister
& Brother in Law

me_on_couch.jpg (56796 bytes)

chinatwnentrence.jpg (62592 bytes)

Entrance to China-Town Yokohama Japan

chinatwntmple.jpg (61084 bytes)

Temple In China Town

favnoodleshop.jpg (63828 bytes)

My favorite Noodle Shop!!

inside_fav_noodleshop.jpg (48324 bytes)

Inside My Favorite Noodle Shop!!

me_devil.jpg (17963 bytes)

PaPa discovering the "True Me" :p)

More to come when I get around to it :p)



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This site was designed By Ronnie Jr.
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Last updated - Monday, April 24, 2000 22:32:56 -0400