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I've  decided to start a files section. Mostly so that I can download the files I need when I setup a computer. I go to peoples house and work on their computer and these are files I'll need or want to install. you may find them useful too. I just started this section so it may take a while to get the files up. Or I'll probably just link to most of them. They will be direct links of course.

I didn't get time to upload all of them yet but I will.

Networking Tools
nmap(321k) - The Best Port Scanner In the UNIVERSE!!! and it's only works in linux!
pppsetup (11k) - Awesome script for automating ppp configuration in linux.
Trinux - small linux distrobution with lots of networking tools built in.
Hard disk version ( 2.56m)- runs in a directory on a windowze partition
Floppy version - runs on two floppy disks
rawwritewin(116k) - you'll need it to write the images to floppys
Gozilla 3.5 - BEST download Manager around and it's free!!
Intercent 99 - Keep track of your online time and costs.
portmon - Monitor all ports on your computer.
ICQ99b - this is ICQ! need I say more?
Genius - Very cool all around internet tool, a ton of network tools.
Opera 3.6 - My favorite browser for Windowze
Alive! - Keep from being kicked off line! Stay online forever!

Win Amp!! - Awesome Mp3 player!!
freeplayer_g2.gif (966 bytes) - streaming audio encluding ra and Mp3!! (not a direct link)

Windoze Stuph
Regmon - monitors the registry in real time
Debug Viewer - View debug output of your apps! you will need the winsock update if you have win95 get it here
regclean.gif (395 bytes) Regcleaner!! - fixes and clean yer Registry! Verry COOL!!
regeditx.gif (283 bytes) Registry Extensions! - enhanced registry editor!!
iexplore.gif (760 bytes) IE 4 power-toys - probably outdated if you got IE 5
Windows Power Toys! This is a must for any serious Windoze user.
Kernal Toys! Made by the Windows Kernal team.

Goaltime - keep track of yer goals
wzico2.gif (904 bytes)Winzip! - manipulate zip,tar,gz files and more



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Last updated - Tuesday, April 25, 2000 00:28:31 -0400